Is it ever going to stop raining? Is Summer ever going to arrive?
Apparently not. And this is Dubai, not the UK
Sky News might like to run this as a news item - would make a change from 'the worst pollen season ever, ever, ever, since records began is going to hit the UK - millions of teenagers will be blinded by their own tears, failing their exams as a consequence....'
So the 24-hour news producers at Sky run a day of complete domestic trivia whilst vilifying Dubai for imprisoning, 'torturing' and trying three Londoners for drug involvement.
This follows hot on the heels of the horse-doping scandal at the Godolphin Stables which ran and ran for days and days.
It is also a precursor to the state visit to UK of H.H. Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, scheduled to start tomorrow.
Apparently, the prison sentences of the 'London Three' will be on the agenda for the discussion between the UAE President and Prime Minister Cameron. Have they nothing more important to cover than that?
Maybe H.H. Sheikh Khalifa might like to counter with the behaviour, generally, of ex-pats in his country who are here solely because there is no direct taxation. That's the bottom line. They have the arrogance to dress inappropriately, drink until they can hardly stand, barf up in public - a bit like any night, in any town, on any street in the UK - but they have the arrogance to a) think they can get away with it or, b) think they can bleat about human rights when they do get caught.
Perhaps there should be a vetting process when leaving the UK - all shorts, shaven heads, tattoos would automatically deny exit.
Instead of chasing ex-pats for UK and all the costs that this will entail - spend the money instead on the new exit procedure. Keep all these people on UK soil and the government will have achieved revenue-collection by a different route.
Everyone's a winner.
Except Sky News, of course, whose default position is knocking Dubai/UAE and who will even clear the decks of other news to draw disproportionate attention to their stories.